Encoder Group IO-Link

NEW Absolute encoder series IO-Link

  • Smart Sensor Profile 2.8, 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 
  • 59-Bit position value
  • Simple preset with digital input
  • Cam switches for position and velocity with hysteresee 

The brand new IO-Link absolute encoder series was developed in close cooperation with Balluff. This partnership brings together the best of both worlds: our know-how as encoder experts combined with Balluff's renowned IO-Link technology. The result is a ground-breaking product for the future of automation. Our IO-Link encoder is based on Balluff's IO-Link stack, while Balluff's encoders benefit from our decades of experience as encoder experts.

To the encoders

speedMATE® - Non-Contact optical speed measurement

  • Contactless detection
  • Incremental encoder and programmable trigger in one
  • Non Slip
  • Plug & Play
  • Measuring distance: 15 mm up to 60 mm

speedMATE® measures the speeds of moving tracks and piece goods in order to monitor, control and regulate production systems. The big advantage: The measurement is non-contact, purely optical, without mechanical components and therefore slip-free. In contrast to measuring wheels and other mechanical processes, speedMATE® achieves a higher measuring accuracy and does not damage the material through mechanical wear. In addition, the system is able to take over a trigger function, i.e. a start pulse for example as an output for marking devices as soon as a previously defined increment value has been reached.

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WA22M2 encoder NFC Wachendorff

World Innovation ... Encoder configuration via NFC

The new WDGN series of incremental encoders enables configuration of any pulse count from 1 I/U to 16,384 I/U via NFC. Depending on the equipment, Basic or Advance, further parameters can be set via APP using NFC.

When there is uncertainty about which number of pulses the encoder needs to run optimally in an application, the WDGN encoder offers the necessary flexibility to test the optimum number of pulses.
Optimum spare parts, logistics and warehouse management becomes possible. Because with the free app on the smartphone, communication with the encoder takes place via NFC, completely without an internet connection, and the desired parameter values can be set just-in-time.

More detailed information:

Drehgeber encoder WDGP36J

Compact heavy duty encoder - in IP67+IP69K version

From now on, you can get the rotary encoders of the incremental WDGP series and the absolute encoders of the WDGA series in the extremely compact 36 design in the "36J" version.
The 36J version stands for a very high bearing load of 300 N axial and radial as well as the increased protection class IP67+IP69K.  This makes these encoders fit for high-pressure/steam jet cleaning.
They are designed for applications in harsh environments, such as mobile machines, in the food industry or in car washes.

WDGP incremental encoders with freely definable pulse number

New incremental encoder series WDGP
... Pulse number completely free to define

Are you looking for a compact incremental encoder with high resolution or with a "crazy" pulse count? Then you are absolutely right with this series.

The proven Wachendorff magnetic sensor technology is now available with ANY pulse count from 1 to 16,384 pulses per rotation.
The inverted signals, TTL and HTL output are also selectable when ordering.
The encoders are available in a very compact 36 mm design or in the quasi-industrial standard of 58 mm.

Samples and test units are available now.
Contact our application consultants or our sales staff for advice.

More information about the new WDGP encoders

Ultra-compact measuring system – just 120 mm long

The new LMSCA length measuring system 
... ultra-compact and industry-robust 

Our product group of length measuring systems is extended with the LMSCA by an extremely compact and nevertheless robust system.

The system is just 120 mm long!
It can be combined with measuring wheels of 200 mm circumference.
An even smaller measuring wheel with a circumference of 145 mm and an O-ring will be available very soon.
With the pre-assembled encoders of the WDGP series, resolutions of 80 pulses per millimeter or 0.0125 mm per pulse are achievable.
Other important features: adjustable contact pressure from 0 to 20 Newton in 5 Newton increments, as well as a loss-proof central screw.

Convince yourself and order your sample.

More information about length measuring systems

Redundant incremental encoder WDGR

With the WDGR series, Wachendorff Automation is launching a family of redundant incremental encoders with diverse sensor technology (optical and magnetic). In combination with appropriate control systems or, for example, speed monitors, high performance levels can be achieved at low cost.

Further information:

WA1906 Wachendorff Silent Move Compact

New Silent Move Compact digital shaft copying system

New: Silent Move Compact
In addition to incremental and absolute encoders, Wachendorff also supplies specially developed digital shaft positioning systems for the elevator / lift industry. Now Wachendorff has succeeded in further compressing the electronics and mechanics of the Silent Move toothed belt system and reducing them to the essentials. The result is the Silent Move Compact system.

More information:

Wachendorff torque support encoder

Torque support WDGDS10020

The torque support WDGDS10020 compensates tolerances such as radial runout due to backlash or the drive shaft, as well as axial movements of the drive shaft when mounting hollow and end hollow shaft encoders.

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Wachendorff LMSMA

Length measuring system LMS MA

The length measuring system LMS MA is a very space-saving, reliable complete system for the measurement of position, speed and length.

Up to 0.003 mm/pulse provide excellent measurement results. Now available with PROFINET or EtherCAT.

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OnOffShore absolute encoders

Absolute encoders for onshore and offshore applications

The absolute encoders of the WDGA series can be ordered as seawater solid and corrosion resistant versions. In this variant, for example, the flange is specially anodised against corrosion and the housing is powder-coated. All other parts, e.g. the shaft or the cable gland, are made of stainless steel. The outer ball bearing is also made of stainless steel and is also specially sealed.

In order to validate the corrosion resistance, the salt spray resistance was verified with a test according to DIN EN 60068-2-11.


Wachendorff encoder Universal IE

World first: Universal Industrial Ethernet Encoder

Now, the WDGA Universal Industrial Ethernet Encoder by Wachendorff Automation greatly simplifies these stock issues for mechanical and plant engineers, as well as for distributors and mail-order retailers. This is because the required protocol is only imported via the encoder’s website when the relevant encoder is actually used. This works even without needing to use any additional tools or programming adapters. All you need is a PC with a network card, with a freely adjustable IP address, and the web browser of your choice. The process only takes a few minutes. You can use PROFINET or EtherCAT just-in-time to get started with the new type of encoder. Additional protocols will follow soon.

 More Information

Now also for EtherCAT!

Our absolute encoders of the WDGA series are now available with EtherCAT interface.
The world's most compact design of an encoder with bus cover helps to save valuable installation space.

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Motorfeedback EinbauKit

Motor Feedback of the Latest Generation

The Wachendorff kit offers clear advantages compared to resolvers, magnetic sensors with backup batteries and encoder kits with optical scans and gearboxes.
Due to the higher level of robustness against vibrations and other environmental stresses as well as the faster assembly, the company Wachendorff is expecting another step of creative destruction, which they already predicted ten years ago with the introduction of the EnDra® technology.

Wachendorff offers two different concepts for this purpose:
• An operational absolute encoder
• Installation kit

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Drehgeber PROFINET HeavyDuty

Heavy-duty rotary encoders for PROFINET from the modular system

Wachendorff Automation has extended its WDGA absolute rotary encoder series in the PROFINET-IO field with the extremely robust WDGA 58D – designed for heavy-duty applications. 
As it has already been implemented for the SSI, CAN, PROFIBUS interfaces, the shaft of PROFINET encoder WDGA 58D can be loaded both radially as well as axially with max. 400 N. This is an absolute peak value and guarantees a long service life.

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Fastest and most compact PROFINET encoder in the world

With its new WDGA58F design, Wachendorff has succeeded in constructing the world's smallest design in an axial and radial direction.
The encoders are able to keep pace with the latest PLC technologies thanks to the minimum bus cycle time of 125 µs.
The single-turn area, with innovative QuattroMag® technology, provides highest resolution, precision and internal dynamics.
In the area of the multi-turn, the encoders come with maintenance-free and space-saving EnDra® technology.

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Length measurement system LMSMA2x/3x

The positions, speeds and travel lengths of conveyor belts, film and paper webs or cardboard packaging, for example, can be recorded safely and efficiently using the measuring systems from Wachendorff Automation. With the new LMSMA2x and LMSMA3x measuring systems, we meet the highest requirements in an ideal way.

Products LMSMA

Measuring system LMSLA12 for marking and labeling

The new measuring system LMS LA12 is a perfectly tuned, preassembled complete system for use in the field of marking and labelling.

Product LMSLA12


Encoder WDGI … il nuovo standard industriale incrementale

Abbiamo completamente rinnovato l'encoder incrementale della serie WDG che si basa sulla grandezza di costruzione standard industriale di 58 mm.
Il risultato: la serie WDG diventa WDGI. Decisivi per Lei come utente sono le funzioni ampliate dell'encoder.

LinkProdotto WDGI

Encoder WDGA-DP; classe 1, 2, 3, 4 commutabile

Generalmente un utente, nella scelta di un encoder assoluto PROFIBUS-DP, deve stabilire quale profilo di encoder utilizzare. Se, nel corso del tempo, dovessero modificarsi requisiti e funzionalità desiderate, la sostituzione del profilo avviene spesso attraverso lo scambio dell'encoder esistente.

LinkProdotto WDGA-DP

LinkCommunicado stampa WDGA-DP
